Archive for the multi-movement piece Category

Landform Variations Book 2

Posted in electronic, fixed media, multi-movement piece on April 26, 2015 by Jacob Feinberg

cabin1-225x300Landform Variations Book 2

STOP! Please listen with headphones or full speakers or else you will miss much of the music. 

01 Illusory Bricks (LFV23) MP3 Duration: 2:24

02 Introduction and Cabin for HC (LFV24) MP3 Duration: 20:02

03 Heartbeat/Pornography from Oblivion (LFV25) MP3 Duration: 6:44

04 Reflection through Glass (LFV26) MP3 Duration: 20:28

05 Wastelands or The Bad Place (LFV27-32) MP3 Duration: 33:36

06 In Can(y)ons (LFV27-32 alternate realization) MP3 Duration: 54:36

Total duration: approx 2 hours 19 minutes

Year(s) of composition: 2008-2015

About the Landform Variations (LFVs)

Landform Variations Book 3 Part 1

Posted in electronic, fixed media, multi-movement piece on February 24, 2015 by Jacob Feinberg

IMG_0651-e1387601750738-225x300Landform Variations Book 3 Part 1

STOP! Please listen with headphones or full speakers or else you will miss much of the music. 

01 The Living Desert, encroaching (LFV34) MP3 Duration:  22:50

02 Cave below spring-fed lake opening out into Marianas Trench (LFV35) MP3 Duration: 27:47

Total duration: 50:37

Year(s) of composition: 2008-2013

About the Landform Variations (LFVs)

Scrapbook/Landform Variations Book 1

Posted in electronic, fixed media, multi-movement piece on February 21, 2015 by Jacob Feinberg

1680549056-1-150x150Scrapbook/Landform Variations Book 1

STOP! Please listen with headphones or full speakers or else you will miss much of the music. 

The internal speakers of computers, cell phones, MP3 players (including IPODs) and tablets generally aren’t good enough. As a test, if you do not hear a fairly loud low rumbling note in the first few seconds of the first track, Declaration of War (LFV1), your speakers do not have enough bass frequency response to play all the music in this album. Additional pops, clicks, and distortion may also occur with lower-fidelity playback equipment.  [Declaration of War (LFV1) was slightly distorted just from the conversion to MP3 format; here is a higher fidelity WAV file (70.5MB).

1 Declaration of War (LFV1) MP3 Duration:  6:39

2 Of Knowing Others (Alone) MP3 Duration: 13:16

3 Wormholes: Canonically Flat MP3 Duration: 7:26

4 Pith Of An Inheritance, Inconspicuous And Rare (LFV2) MP3 Duration: 10:56

5 Suite MP3 Duration: 6:46

  1. Scrapbook (0:00)
  2. If You Lived Here, You’d Already Be Home (LFV3) (3:40)
  3. As If We Were Invisible (LFV4) (4:56)
  4. As the Subconscious Is Mythology…(LFV5) (5:34)

6 To Slow The Speed Of Life… (LFV6) MP3 Duration: 5:00

7 Microcosm With Fractal Edging (Study in 10-EDO) MP3 Duration: 5:34

8 The Turn Inside (LFV7-9)/Solemnity Arcs (Study in 11-EDO) MP3 Duration: 5:25

9 Cascade And Cirque (LFV10-16) MP3 Duration: 8:06

10 The Journey That Is Taking Me (LFV17-22) MP3 Duration: 5:00

Total duration: 75 minutes

Years of composition: 2005-2011

About the Landform Variations

About the Scrapbook pieces:

In 2006, I wrote a piece for theremin and violin called Of Knowing Others which was the basis for this solo electronic piece. The original piece was largely constructed to facilitate different kinds of improvisational interplay between the performers so reworking it was an interesting challenge. I chose the title from a quote attributed to Confucius: “I do not fear that others do not know me; rather I fear it is I who does not know others.”

Wormholes: Canonically Flat was composed in 2005 and revised in 2011. The canonic form of the piece is conceptually modeled on a wormhole: a shortcut through the time-space continuum or a way to quickly (or instantly) travel to another place or time. Astro-physicists disagree on whether wormholes exist, whether they could be formed by two connected black holes, and whether anything could survive passing through them.  The piece is “flat” because there are “flattened” elements of stasis in the piece.

Suite is a collage which combines previously unused material generated for For Melinda Rice and Of Knowing Others with LFVs 3, 4, and 5. There are four sections:

  • 1) Scrapbook (0:00)
  • 2) If You Lived Here, You’d Already Be Home (LFV3) (3:40)
  • 3) As If We Were Invisible (LFV4) (4:56)
  • 4) As the Subconscious Is Mythology…(LFV5) (5:34)

Microcosm With Fractal Edging and Solemnity Arcs are studies in which 10- and 11- equally divisions of an octave (EDO) are used instead of the 12-EDO typical in Western music.

2nd Collection of Essences and Ephemera

Posted in electronic, fixed media, multi-movement piece on February 21, 2015 by Jacob Feinberg

2nd Collection of Essences and Ephemera

MP3 to follow

Year(s) of composition: 2001-2005, extracted and revised 2009

2nd Collection of Essences and Ephemera: OneiroStation

The Collections of Essences and Ephemera contain both excerpts (essences) of pieces – sometimes just a short melody stated once – as well as complete shorter pieces (ephemera). The 2nd collection features selections from OneiroStation, an opera I worked on during 2001-2005 before abandoning the project. The music presented here was arranged for unaccompanied piano(s) in 2007-2008. The opera went through several arrangements and orchestrations, re-writes of the libretto, and even varying numbers of characters.

1st Collection of Essences and Ephemera

Posted in electronic, fixed media, multi-movement piece on February 21, 2015 by Jacob Feinberg

1st Collection of Essences and Ephemera

MP3 to follow

Year(s) of composition: 2000-2004, extracted and compiled in 2009

1st Collection of Essences and Ephemera:
gifts, sacred works, musical abortions, solitude, dried fruit, word-stripped songs, sentimentalities, and music for children, shadow-play, film, stage, tunnels, and miscellaneous other vacancies

The Collections of Essences and Ephemera contain both excerpts (essences) of pieces – sometimes just a short melody stated once – as well as complete shorter pieces (ephemera). The 1st collection contains pieces composed between 2000-2004. Those not written for unaccompanied piano(s) were arranged in 2008. These are largely light, fun, spontaneously-created pieces, some of which served particular extra-musical functions. They are more traditional than most of my other work.


Everything Will Make Sense Given Time

Posted in electronic, fixed media, multi-movement piece on February 21, 2015 by Jacob Feinberg

everything-150x150Everything Will Make Sense Given Time

1. people are gone too MP3 Duration: 1:32

2. band (a) / exhale (sweet dreamer) MP3 Duration: 6:53

3. reprise / (b) MP3  Duration: 7:58

4. everything remembered / closer dream desert (unexplained) MP3  Duration: 8:54

5. preludes (like morning) / transport (heavenfire) MP3  Duration: 15:00

6. burning, sweet as day / water, nothing unravels MP3 Duration: 8:28

7. watchmaker’s paradise MP3 Duration: 4:44

Total duration: 54 min

Year(s) of composition: 2005-2008

Like Summa de Nada, Everything… collages compositional etudes and rock songs. Some of the collaged materials found on Everything… were already collaged for earlier pieces so the end result is partially a collage-of-collages.


Summa De Nada

Posted in electronic, fixed media, multi-movement piece on February 20, 2015 by Jacob Feinberg

Summa De Nadasumma-150x150

Suite 1 

1. For Melissa MP3 Duration: 4:19

2. The Same MP3 Duration: 2:14

3. Radio MP3 Duration: 3:21


Suite 2

4. The Wind Blows Us Elsewhere MP3 Duration: 9:39

5. Counting Sheep MP3 Duration: 3:24

6. Danielle And Ginger MP3 Duration: 6:57


Suite 3

7. You Know My Secrets MP3  Duration: 2:22

8. Broken Flowers (Science Fiction) MP3 Duration: 9:13

9. Torn From Live Space MP3 Duration: 6:20

10. Lying Still MP3 Duration: 4:27


Suite 4

11. Palace of Echoes MP3 Duration: 3:04

12. If Only To Be Numb… MP3 Duration: 5:18

13. Ghost(s) MP3 Duration: 5:30


Total Duration: Approx. 67 minutes

Year(s) of composition: 2003

Summa de Nada is largely drawn from the same sessions as Junesong but the pieces (some collaged and others free-standing) are arranged into 4 suites.

Like oddball extended techniques? Listen for me playing an electric razor through humbucker electric guitar pickups.


Posted in electronic, fixed media, multi-movement piece on February 20, 2015 by Jacob Feinberg


1. Tonight as the sun goes MP3 Duration: 16:06

2. Junesong & the samsara blues MP3 Duration: 14:05

3. Conjure me MP3 Duration: 10:19

Total Duration: 40:30

Year(s) of composition: 2001-2002

Junesong is an assortment of sonic experiments, compositional etudes and psychedelic rock songs structured in 3 movements.

Relics of A Lost State

Posted in electronic, fixed media, multi-movement piece on February 20, 2015 by Jacob Feinberg

MP3s of excerpts relics_cd_cover-150x150to follow

Year(s) of composition: 1998-1999

Relics was a collection featuring some of my first collaged music and also includes some of my early experimental etudes. The rock songs used in the collages had a much heavier industrial sound than previous recordings. I will post a few tracks from the collection in the future but currently I’ve removed it “from print” and have re-collaged some of the pieces in newer works like Everything Will Make Sense Given Time.